The Milliondollar NFT lucky draw is coming!

1 min readApr 7, 2021

We are excited to announce our whitelisting process Airdrop reward event:

The Million Dollar Homepage, a well-known website in Internet history, is bringing the Milliondollar NFT airdrop lucky draw. This round of the lucky draw will give out a grid NFT worth 1ETH! Come and participate~


1. From now until 23:59:59 on April 9th (UTC+8), Follow our Twitter @dollar_nft, retweet the Twitter post, and leave your Ethereum wallet address in the comments to participate in the lucky draw!

2. This event will give birth to 1 lucky person and give out a grid NFT worth 1 ETH!

3. Announce the lucky winners of this round within 24 hours after the event ends, and distribute NFT rewards

4. The grids given out in this round of activity is:

The total number of grids (NFT) is 10,000, and each grid is worth 1 ETH! Fast retweet this post and leave your Ethereum address to participate in the event!

